“ 唔係呀麻 ? 結婚咁多野攪仲要花錢花時間去學跳舞 ?”
“ 多此一舉 !”
“ 唔使呀嘛 ! 簡單的啦 !”
“Are you kidding? There are so many things to prepare about the wedding, You still waste time and money to learn dancing?”
“What? Make it simpler is better!”
我地就話花錢花時間係值得既。 婚禮上真正屬於對新人既野唔多 , 而且好多既安排都係過左個晚就無 , 我地想個婚禮特別的。 雖然預備個段時間又長又多拗撬 , 但當我地一齊去到練舞 , 就會好開心.有好多蝦碌野令我地爆笑架 !!
To us, it's worthy to spend those money and time. Nothing much is really belongs to the couple, and most of the preparation will pass right after the wedding day. We hope to have a more special wedding. Even though it takes time and argument takes place, it's so amusing every time we went to practice dancing. So many funny shots we had making us laugh!
平時我地一齊去學一樣 o 既機會唔多 , 今次可以算係第一次。姑勿論係 wedding dance 定係咩 , 一齊發展一個興趣係好開心架 .
It's rare for us to learn something together; this is our first time. Not to say it's a wedding dance, actually developing a habit together is a lovely thing for the couple.
練舞時既每一分鐘﹑一隻舞既每一步都係屬於我地倆個架。世上唯一﹑獨一無二。即使到老我地都會記得一齊跳過既呢 part 舞。老左最多?住拐杖跳囉。
Every step, every minute belong to us. It's unique in the world. No matter how old shall we be, we will remember this dance, and we can dance with our walking stick.
亞 Sir 同 Miss 簡直係絕配 : 一個穩重﹑仔細 , 一個富創作靈感 , 大膽豪邁。我地淨係比左卡門隻歌佢地 , 佢地就由設計到編到排舞一手包辦。
Lawrence Sir 好小心咁教我地每一個準確步法 , Miss Gertrude 設計大膽既舞步。我地由唔識跳舞到可以去 “ 登台 ” 表演 , 亞 Sir ﹑ Miss 功不可沒。
Lawrence and Gertrude are perfect matched teachers. One is steady and careful; one is creative and heroic. We just gave them the song “Carmen”, they designed the steps and taught us to dance.
Lawrence accurately teach us every step, Gertrude give us the dramatic design. We started the dance from zero to mature. Without them, we couldn't perform our dance so successfully.
要兩個人同心﹑有合拍既舞步﹑拿?準確既拍子 , 唔撞倒﹑唔踩倒對方 , 男方一推一拉﹑女方跟住佢一擰一扭 , 學問極深。
有一次亞 Sir 話 :
“ 點解個女仔會自己擰自己轉 , 都唔係等男方帶既 ? 咁唔係同跳 wedding dance ?”
“ 女仔就話 : 拍子到男仔未推 , 我咪要自己跳囉 !”
亞 Sir 教我地 , 跳 wedding dance 係兩個人既配合 , 唔係一個人跳。原來跳舞同拍拖﹑結婚好相似 , 時要忍讓﹑時要主動 , 唔係一個人唱獨腳戲做個人表演 , 係兩個人既合作 , 要有足夠溝通。
A couple to learn dancing is a very good experience.
Both have to be move in the same rhythm, have the matching steps; not crashing each other, not stepping on each other. Man pushes and pulls, woman turns and twists, it's not easy at all.
Once Lawrence asked the bride, “why you turn on your own? You should wait for the guy's signal It's not wedding dance if you dance on your own!”
The bride said, “the groom didn't push me, I have to do it myself!”
Lawrence taught us, wedding dance has to be performed by two, not one. It's like dating, like marriage and impossible to do it on oneself. Sometimes we have to be patient, sometimes we have to be active. It's not a one-man-dance, it's a match of two perfect partners, communication is important.
Joe Chiu & Joyce Lee 趙偉明 / 李嘉靜
To be special and memorial in our wedding banquet, dancing was one of our favorable options.
Though we did not know how to dance at that moment, we enrolled five basic Latin dance lessons just three months before our wedding day!
During that period of time, we appreciate that Lawrence and Gertrude are both very experienced and skillful teachers. We have confidence that we could learn dancing well under their teaching. Thus we decided to join another ten private tutorials lessons for dedicated dance training.
Lawrence and Gertrude helped us to create our every step and gesture from our submitted song – “Carmen”. Without their professional training, we would not have this memorial thing to happen in our wedding. Thanks to Lawrence and Gertrude. |